Thursday, July 17, 2014

Another Nail In The Coffin Of The Reputation Of New Jersey, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I am not sure when this actually happened--it may have been as far back as 2012.  But its immediacy now on the social media make this unidentified woman the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This woman, who you can see looks like real trash, was shopping at a Wal Mart in Vineland, New Jersey.  She had two children with her. The oldest of the two, to her left, was standing in a cart, and the mother jerked it so hard, the kid was knocked into space, landing hard on her head. She could have been knocked out, or suffered a concussion.  Or worse.

                                       The child picks herself up, and this Mother From Hell starts screaming at the child viciously, so much so that another woman confronts her with the abuse, and a cat fight breaks out, where the accuser  threatens to call Children's Services and, I am telling you, I hope to God she did.  This bitch Mama should never had children, in the first place.  Since she did, they should be kept from her!

                                         Take a look at this, and you tell me this woman isn't some kind of Bitch Monster!
Fat, pig thing!!!!!!!!!!!  Doesn't Jersey get a bum rap already??????   Why does trash like this have to exist, to make it worse????????????

                                            When a fictional serial killer, like Mrs. Voorhees, ups the ante on a state's reputation, as compared to this, something has got to be wrong!  It's not the state, darlings!  It s the behavior of people like this, who live in it!

                                                 Burn this witch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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