Thursday, July 31, 2014

Can You Believe The Blonde To The Left Is Actually Convent Bred And Educated??????? Just Like Me, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              To think that the fabulous Lady Gaga (seen here chatting with Christine Pedi as Liza Minnelli) is a graduate of the Convent Of The Sacred Heart!  In that case, girls, I am ready for sainthood, and, with my back pain, feeling every inch of being pain wracked by stone floors, which I scrubbed in convents from the time I was a baby!  Now, with old age, it is all catching up!

                                How can I be Donna McKechnie with a bad back?  Hell, will I be able to get through "King Lear," tomorrow night in the park????????  We shall see!

                                  Now, I don't know if Lady Gaga ever saw "The Song Of Bernadette."  I have not talked to her, lately, but somehow I doubt it!  And if you love Lady Gaga, as I do, watch out for our new home telephone message, coming very soon, darlings??????????????

                                    But a convent school graduate?  It will give future generations of girls a whole new set of aspirations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      And you know what you can do with those aspirations, girls????????  Kiss them!!!!!!!!!!!

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