Friday, July 25, 2014

"Deadly Dioramas" Had An Interesting Premise That Was Hard To Shake Off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I don't wax rhapsodic so much about "Rizzoli And Isles," darlings, not because I don't love the show, and everyone on it--I do!!!!!!!!--but because, maybe as a regular viewer, the show has become so formulaic and predictable.  Though let me say,  up front, I disagree with the Internet controversy over whether or not Angela (Lorraine Bracco) has become more annoying.  Lorraine is great, as she always is; the one who consistently annoys me, and I wish they would get him off the show, or lessen his role, is Frankie, who should never have been promoted to detective!!!!!!!!!!!   He  just doesn't have the brain power of big sister Jane.  Not to mention that hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          One thing you can count on from this show.  At some point, before he /she is revealed, the viewer sees the killer.  Lately, I have gotten good at spotting the perp, early on.   And, the other night, I knew, right off the bat, it was the husband.

                             The show started with a fit woman doing a gym video workout in her home.  Someone, a man, in a white isolation suit, comes up behind her, and shoots her, so she doesn't have a chance.  Down goes the wife--Julie, I think--then the killer is seen, almost too graphically, kneeling over her, with a knife, and, in a scene almost too graphic for this show, is shown either stabbing her multiple times, or carving something into her back.

                                 It turns out to be the latter; the initials "L.B." are found on Julie's back.  With the aid of dioramas, Susie Chang (wonderfully played by Tina Huang) steps up to a more featured spot  here, as Maura is at a medical conference, and out of town.  Though there is still plenty of chitchat, and Maura's presence, during laptop conversations.  But it is Susie's show, and she is up to it.  Unlike Jordan Bridges, as Frankie!!!!!!!!!!!

                               What is interesting is not so much that the husband killed the wife, but why.  He was a slight, nebbishy sort, who, apparently, liked large women.  Jane looks at a wedding photo of the couple, where Julie has, at least, one hundred extra pounds packed onto her.  Like many large girls, she is happy to be married, (as the great Mama Cass once said to Michelle Phillips--"Fat girls need love, too Michelle!") but not happy with herself.  She hears this fitness guru on TV, goes to his club, follows his plan, and, before you know it, Julie is this hot looking thing.  But it drives the marriage apart; the husband has lost the heavyset girl he was attracted to, and, with  good looking men paying attention, Julie realizes she no longer has to settle for this nebbishy guy.  They have outgrown each other; but both are not willing to face it, or do something about it--like a divorce, which would solve everything.  So, what does the hubby do?  He murders her!!!!!!!  Hey, with the time spent in prison, if he comes out, he may be as fat as Julie was, at first!
Let's see what he scores, then!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 America's concept of body imagery has always been skewered, leading to anorexia, obsession, low self-esteem, and a host of other ills.  It was interesting that "Rizzoli And Isles" chose to examine this, and it was the concept, rather than the actual script, that made this episode interesting.  That, and Susie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Also, in this episode, Angela did not make any bunny pancakes!  She wouldn't DARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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