Sunday, July 20, 2014

Flip Sides Of The Same Coin, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Let's start with Jane Bautista, darlings.  She was murdered, by her son, Jason, on January 14, 2003, only I think it was  justifiable!  You have heard me, time and again talk about that classic episode on "Cold Case," "Churchgoing People."  Well, Jane Bautista was a real life Charlotte Bayes.

                                    She didn't have Charlotte's drinking problem, but she had her mental ones.  Jane was a paranoid schizophrenic, and living with one could not have been easy.  In "Churchgoing People," husband Mitch Bayes, who was eventually murdered, did not walk out, for the sake of the children.   But Jane's husband, Jose, could not take it , anymore, so he walked out, leaving Jason and his younger half brother, Matthew, with this abusive woman.

                                      Things reached a breaking point, on January 14, 2003, when Jason lashed out at Jane, strangling her.  Had that been all, he might not have been convicted.  But Jason went beyond the realm of murder.  Fueled with rage, from years of abuse that, at times, left them homeless, he dismembered his mother's hands and head, leaving them, bagged, in a closet in their home in Riverside, California.  Then he and Matthew drove to a ravine in Orange County, California, and dumped the remaining body.  Leaving police, when it was found, to first figure out who it was.

                                        Did Jane deserve what she got?  Absolutely, as far as I am concerned.  Burt one wonders, why the Bautista family did not place Jane in some sort of mental health facility.  Was it a question of money?  Or, like the Bayes on "Cold Case," were they just desperate to keep up appearances.  If the latter, the shame is on all.  It cost Jane her life, literally, and Jason, his, figuratively, as he will never see the light of day again, being imprisoned, for life!

                                       Charlotte and Jane both needed help they did not get.  Which fueled Jason to murder Jane.  Probably like some of the jurors, my sympathy is with him, but stops short, when it comes to the dismemberment.  If only Jason hadn't done that!

                                        No one likes a cut up, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Now, Christine Billis--Chrissie, as she was called--is something else, again.  She is one cold-hearted bitch of a Black Widow!  On July 22, 2009, she murdered her legally blind, and physically disabled, 57-year-old husband,  Charles, by driving both of them, full force, into a tree!  But crafty Chrissie, knowing the passenger side, which Charles had to be in, due to his handicaps, and the fact that he refused to wear s seat belt, was a dangerous combination, had the idea that he probably would not  survive, butt she would--and she called it perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!  

                                This was one nutso widow!  One minute she was crying, the next she was planning dinner!  She pleased Charles was abusive to her, but no one, except she, seems to have witnessed this.  Even her girls said Charles was a good father.

                                 You know what the real motive was?  A $100K life insurance policy!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's always comes down to that old insurance ploy!  Hey, Chrissie, that amount is nothing; but, then, she was living in Vermont, so what did she have to do?  Nothing; so the money could probably last!  Not if she were in New York, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   This Black Widow is in bars--snared by a boyfriend, Kevin Leland, who might very well have been her next victim!

                                      Chrissie and Jane, darlings!  Flip sides of the same coin!  Both got what they deserved!

                                        But a hundred thousand???? Really, Chrissie, you are just plain stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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