Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Fourth Of July, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Can you believe it is here, girls??????????  The REAL holiday of the Summer!  The 238th Birth Of Our nation, and I guess, since we are all still here, we must be doing something right.

                              And, of course, if you are a Theater Queen, there is NO question of what show you listen to today--"1776!!!!!!!!"  Though, I suppose, "George M!: could be an acceptable alternate!

                              I have such fond childhood memories of the Fourth of July.  I always, on this day, think of my parents' two friends, Edna and Jimmy Lammers, whom I called Aunt Edna and Uncle Jimmy.  We always celebrated the Fourth in the back yard of their home, in South Planifield, capped off by watching fireworks from the steps of their porch, from which you could see them, because the park was so close.

                             Today, things have mellowed out, as so have my beloved and I!  We hope to catch a screening of the horror film, "Deliver Us From Evil!!!!!!!!!!!" at the Alpine, With Eric Bana looking hot, the Bronx, NYPD, demonic possession, and exorcism, I can't wait!

                               And, of course, it would not be the Fourth, without a special tribute.  So, here is Little Edie's dance from "Grey Gardens!"

                                Blast off, darlings!  But safely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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