Sunday, July 13, 2014

Now, Disney Studios Is About To Traumatize Generations Live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              "Water For Elephants," by Sara Gruen, was an entertaining book, but it made for a disastrous movie, that flopped horribly.  Now, the Disney studios is about to make the same mistake!

                                  I have recently heard, darlings, that they are going to remake the 1941 classic, "Dumbo," as a live action feature.  This spells trouble, for several reasons.  First, have they run out of ideas, so now they remake all their animated classics as live action films???????????  I hope not!  Second, "Dumbo" is an animated classic that cannot be surpassed in its present form.  And third, most importantly, it is a hard film to sit though.  I did not see this till I was an adult, and I want to tell you, when I came out of "Dumbo," even though it ends happily, I was as upset as if I had just come out of, say, "Sophie's Choice!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  The song "Baby Mine" is tear jerking enough.  But the abuse and cruelty directed towards Mrs. Dumbo is so upsetting to watch it is never forgotten, and then, when she wraps him in her trunk, from her cage, and sings the song again, it is doubly sad!

                                    In animated form, this was traumatic enough,.  Done live, it could be nightmarish.  I always said Disney had a sadistic streak, and the idea of a live "Dumbo" indicates someone on staff there wants to continue this sick tradition, and traumatize future generations.

                                      If they decide to do this, the film will fail. Those of us raised on the 1941 classic (even if I won't see it a second time!!!!) recognize its artistry!

                                       It's said an elephant never forgets!  Well, neither do film aficionados, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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