Monday, July 7, 2014

"Oh, Look, There's Jennifer, With One Of Her Rich Boyfriends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    As Patty Duke, as Neely, said, in "Valley Of The Dolls," " I bet a hundred beads pop off that dress, every time she moves!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     When I was in my twenties and thirties, lambs, the same thing used to be said of me, whenever I entered a restaurant. But, let me tell you, rich boyfriends get boring real fast!   They only want one thing from you, and when you are no longer to supply that, out you go, replaced with the day's newest model.

                                          Jennifer knew enough about this. When you've been told by your mother all your life that all you have is a body--something you can bet I was never told, darlings!!!!!!--you start to doubt your sense of worth.  But Jen persevered, with those French pictures.  But when it came time to give up boobies, she felt it was all she had.

                                           If only she could have seen the future--talk shows, the Internet, reality shows!!!!!!!!!  She might have had a chance. After all, as, again, Neely says, "I did great without them!"  And so have I, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              So, darlings, the next time you see those girls with their rich boyfriends, and feel they are taking it all away from you, stop to think--

                                                 It's not all it is cracked up to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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