Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Remember The Movie "Dreams Of A Rarebit Fiend?" How About "Dreams Of A Coffee Fiend???????????????"

                                Yours truly would be the coffee fiend, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Last night, thankfully, I got a much better, and more peaceful sleep than the nightmarish one the night before.  I only had one dream that mirrored my experience, in a film noir kind of way.

                                  The imagery was out of an Edward Hopper painting; that one about people sitting at the counter, drinking coffee.  I was walking within this noir world, and walked into the shop.  An Eve Arden type waitress called, "Wadd'll ya have, hon????????" and I yelled out, "Coffee!!!!!!!!" Within seconds, I was seated, and a cup and saucer of steaming java was placed before.  I sipped, and, like an addict in an opium den, was instantly content.  I awoke with this feeling, which I owe entirely to good dreaming.
                                     Now, take a look at this photo, darlings!  This is a coffee fiend!  This could be me, on a morning if I did not get my coffee at the specific time I am supposed to get it--within the fir half hour, after I arrive. If this fails to happen, I turn into a raving, fucking bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Which none of you want to see!  Especially me, darlings!

                                           I need to be pert and perky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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