Wednesday, July 2, 2014

"Rizzoli And Isles" Was Getting A Little "Law And Order," With Its "Ripped From The Headlines Story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     I guess they revved things up last night, to alleviate the mood of sadness left by last week's episode, in which the character of Detective Barry Frost, and actor Lee Thompson Young, who portrayed him, were both laid to rest!

                                      But there was something hauntingly familiar about the crime aspect of last night's show. The opening, consisting of an unknown man, running through some woods, pursued by an unknown gun shooter, was like a homage to "Friday The 13th," and "The Blair Witch Project."

                                       Once it was discovered that this was not the only victim, that there were others, and they were all buried on this farm, having been lured there by Craigslist, for a job, something rang a bell in my head.  Especially when it was revealed that the victims were specifically targeted because they were down and  out, unemployed, and had no families.

                                           "I know this case," I said to myself.  Maybe I had seen it on one of my ID programs.

                                            As it turns out, I believe I was right.

                                            The bearded man is Richard Beasley, otherwise known as "Jack."  The young man is his nephew, Brogan Rafferty.  The woman is Deb Pauley, who is the twin sister of David Pauley one of their victims.

                                              As soon as I heard the name "David Pauley," I knew I had found my answer! This is what last night's episode of "Rizzoli And Isles" was based on.

                                                Beasely and his nephew, acting as an accomplice, began carrying these grizzly acts out, via a Craiglist ad, in 2011, Two years later, he was convicted, and given the death penalty.
Brogan Rafferty got Life Without Parole.

                                                   Since the Misses Rizzoli and Isles are the central focus of the series, a lot of the details of the crime went unexplained.  But I recognized it right off.  And it gives me hope.

                                                     Maybe they will use other real life cases for their stories.  I will be happy to report on them, here!

                                                       All in all, a great episode!!!!!!!!!!  And coffee, by Lorraine!!!!!!!!!!!!

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