Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Trouble Both On And Off "Rizzoli And Isles," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Last night's episode, entitled "Boston Keltic," started out promisingly, with a rare bookseller being mysteriously murdered, and Jane's crack, at the crime scene about a "killer librarian."  Maybe that cliched stereotype, of all librarians, was about to crumble, at least for the duration of this episode.  That was the first of many disappointments here.

                                 The main one was that, after the show was over, and until I read a recap this morning, I really did not understand who killed the bookseller.  Years before he had been part of some American version of the IRA, and was involved in a bombing that resulted in the deaths of two people, both of them police officers.  As the bookseller aged,this sin weighed upon his soul, and he took means to obtaining absolution, by concealing the admission in a rare book, that turned out to be fabricated, while the real admission was actually hidden in an insurance policy.   At the start, he is tortured by, I guess, one of the fellow bombers, who found out what he was going to do, and wanted it stopped.   It only stopped his life.  The killer kept being referred to as a "big guy," so, when the crew went to a house where Donald Maxwell, the errand boy for the hit, was going to meet his boss, they collared him and this big, brutish looking guy, who, at first, I thought was Donal Logue, doing a guest appearance on this show.  I have to assume it was this guy who was the actual killer.

                                Disappointment and confusion, all around. Then, to make matters worse, Angela (Lorraine Bracco) announces she is going to break up with Sean Cavanaugh, played by Brian Goodman, who is a pretty hot guy! Why would Angie do this?  I also discovered why, during this season, we have not seen her make bunny pancakes or pour coffee--Maura has been doing most of the latter, come to think of it, though Jane, like me, certainly drinks her share.  Angie quit her job at the precinct coffee shop, and, through a  fortune cookie, has decided she has to explore life as an independent woman--without a man.  She is going to find it is not so much fun--especially at the age she is.  If she was at the "Sex And The City" stage, I would say, fine, but come on.  What are we in for--Angie on a Harley??????????????

                                So, there is lots going on.  And there are rumors of worse to come.  On August 12, there is going to be an episode aired called "It Takes A Village," and much of Jane's role is played from a hospital bed, where she has been confined, after a "devastating loss."  Either two things or going to happen--I don't have any sources, I am only going out on a limb, but here is my guess. Either Casey is going to die in Iraq, or, and this to me seems more likely, she is going to suffer a miscarriage.  We will have to wait and see.

                                    As if this is not enough, there is trouble off the set, as well.  For starters, it is rumored that Angie Harmon's marriage to ex NFL player, Jason Sehorn, is on the rocks.  Even more dangerous than that is the stalking and harassment Harmon has got from some transient woman named Janice Lee Davis, who has gone so far as to show up at her house, asking for rent money???? Huh?????????  Angie has had to go so far as to take out a protective order against this woman to protect herself and her family.

                                       It was bad enough Lee Thompson Young's death traumatized everyone on the show.  But all this?  Is the show becoming cursed?   I am beginning to wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And where was Susie last night?  After Tina Huang's spectacular work last week, let us see more of Susie stepping up to the plate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            As well as getting rid of loser Jordan Bridges, as loser Frankie!  But, at least he's a PAID loser, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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