Monday, July 28, 2014

"We Did What We Had To Do," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            The song "What I Did For Love," has many meanings, when one ventures outside the context of the show it is from--"A Chorus Line."

                               Yesterday, purely for love, because, let me tell you, darlings, I would not voluntarily subject myself to such crap, I accompanied my beloved to a neighborhood screening of "Lucy," with Scarlett Johansson.  Thank God, we were joined by the glamorous Ellen, and our elegant friend, Chris, who got me through this piece of nonsense.

                                It doesn't have a bad idea.  The notion that humans only use a percentage of their brain's potential is behind the plot. Though, this differs from grade school, when teachers too dumb to know, made up the excuse that one "wasn't working up to their potential."  Fuck you, Norma Brodsky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   However, all that happens  is that Scarlett, looking great, of course, becomes a moralistic vigilante--that is, all the scum she goes after are that, and so she deserves it.  Then she short of disintegrates into a kind of oblivion, where her spirit is everywhere. Uh huh.  I get more out of Sister
Camille's broadcasts, than this nonsense.

                                    But Monsieur loved it, and I was happy about that. Sometimes, you have to do theses things for love, girls!  Though let me consciously say, I have never taken him to any trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Thank God for Ellen and Chris, And thank God for that scrumptious meal of chicken and rice, asparagus, the most fabulous coffee cake, and coffee.  It took the edge off this film.

                                          Tonight is my turn, darlings!  We are going to settle in and watch, he for the first time, mine the third viewing in seventeen years, the 1997 film version of Jane Smiley's "A Thousand Acres," to show him the splendors and pleasures of a true film masterpiece!

                                             And to get in shape of "King Lear" this Friday, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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