Monday, August 25, 2014

Good To The Last Drop, Darlings????????? Maxwell House, Definitely!!!!!!!!!!! But Not Elephant Dung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            During my early teens, girls, I read all the Joy Adamson books; you know, the ones about Elsa, the Lioness--"Born Free," "Living Free," and "Forever Free."  Photos accompanied the text, and in one of them was a photo described as "Elsa rolling in elephant droppings."  Apparently, these were supposed to be very good for her skin; the Lioness' choice of skin moisturizer.

                              This time in my life also coincided with my becoming a confirmed coffee drinker.  But who would think the two would ever combine??????????

                                 Well, have you heard the latest, darlings?????????????//

                                   Apparently, someone out there has gotten the bright idea of manufacturing more quality, high end coffee, by harvesting the beans from elephant dung, after the pachyderms have consumed them.  To give the coffee a richer and...ahem...fuller bodied flavor!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Plus the price for this coffee is going to skyrocket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                     Remember what P.T. Barnum said, "There is a sucker born every minute," and anyone who falls for this scheme deserves to be labeled such.  Just because Divine ate dog shit in "Pink Flamingos" does not mean we all should become coprophagous.

                                       I admit the photo with the elephant and the woman drinking coffee is cute. I wouldn't mind drinking my coffee with the elephant.  But if the elephant knew what the source of that coffee she is drinking was, he (or she) might label her a bigger fool than anyone.  And I would not blame the elephant one bit!

                                         This is one idea that--pardon the expression!!!!!!!--is full of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         It is said an elephant never forgets.  I say, let's forget about this whole thing right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I mean, this could bring back Sanka!  Or maybe, that is what they are trying to do!!!!!!!!!!!

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