Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I'm Not A Bit Surprised, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Frankly, darlings, I have never understood all the fuss about Neil Patrick Harris. He is a bit too glib and efforful to succeed in my book as a musical theater performer.  The trick is to make it seem effortless, despite all the work.  With Neil, one is always seeing the work.

                          Which is why I preferred John Cameron Mitchell, the original 'Hedwig,' years ago. My admiration for him, as an actor, was the only reason that got me to the show, and got me through it, in the first place. He was fabulous, but the show did not blow me away, like it did some folk, and obviously continues to.

                             Despite my reservations about Neil, he does appeal to a certain audience, so I am not surprised there has been a 43% ticket drop at this show.  I mean, who the hell is this Andrew Rannells??????  He was in "The Book Of Mormon?"  That overrated piece of crap? Shows how musical theater is going down the tubes!!!!!!!!!  Where is Elizabeth Swados and Josie De Guzman when they are needed??????????????

                               If the producers want to keep this thing running, they need to do some creative thinking. Now, if, say, Martha Plimpton, were to step into the role, I would be there in a minute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But, in a culture that casts Zoe Saldana as Nina Simone, does poor Martha stand a chance???????????????

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