Sunday, August 3, 2014

No Stone Floors In THIS Convent, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          What have we come to, girls????????????  Nuns selling detergent?  What would Sister Camille D'Arienzo say????

                              When I first saw the new Tide commercial, I thought it was an outtake of the "Asylum" segment of "American Horror Story."  Where Jessica Lange plays an evil nun.

                                  This was more horrific than that.  A nun--dressed in a New Age outfit, which, to me, as a pre-Vatican II Catholic suggests she is not a real nun, because, as we all know, real nuns completely cover themselves, don't show any hair, because they have shaved it all off, and sleep on a bed of nails, with one eye open.  Sorry, Sister Camille, but that was the Catholicism of my childhood!--goes about sniffing dirty clothes, and washing machines, while extolling about tide. ending with a group game of croquet on the convent lawn????

                                   Croquet on the convent lawn?  What ever happened to spiritual servitude?  What about bodies--like mine--pain wracked from stoned floors, scrubbed in the convent????

                                      And, of course these aren't real nuns, but actresses masquerading as such!  And not doing a very good job!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       If Christopher Durang had scripted this ad, I might have given it some credit???
But exploiting the image of nuns, to sell laundry detergent????  How low have we come as a culture?

                                        I dread what might be next!!!  Lady Gaga in a redo of "The Song Of Bernadette?" Or "The Nun's Story????????"