Monday, August 4, 2014

Spook A Rama Is Still At Coney, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            How fortunate I was to listen to my wise friend, Chris.  He insisted Spook A Rama, at Coney Island, had not been removed, but was still in the vicinity of the Wonder Wheel in Deno's Park.  So, yesterday, my beloved and I marched out to Coney, and there it was, in all its corny glory!  The same bucket seats, too!

                              What fun.  Though, being older, and with a frail back, I had forgotten how those seats whirl around faster than I remember. Not that I feel and worse today.  But I wouldn't go on anything beyond this, or the Carousel, which we visited last time, at Coney.

                                  With Summer swiftly slipping away, we gave in to tradition and had a hot dog, fries and Coke at Nathan's.  When you eat by the beach, darlings, even junk tastes good, and feels somewhat sophisticated.

                                     By the time we got back to the neighborhood late, picked up the laundry, and dined at a Mediterranean restaurant, where we had a luscious meal, it was time to get home, and watch the new season of Paula Zahn!

                                       Who thought Sundays could be such a blast?????????????????????

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