Wednesday, August 20, 2014

This Is A Book To Keep Your Eyes On, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    As if I do not have enough to read, darlings!  Having just started Murakami's "The Wind Up Bird Chronicle," I am going to be immersed in matters Japanese for some time.  And it is not like I have enough waiting to be read at home, already.

                                     But, when you are the Raving Queen, you run into people at the strangest times, in the strangest places. So, whom should I run into yesterday, dolls, but author, Musical Theater instructor, and all around gay raconteur, Joel Derfner, the author of "Swish!," an enjoyable, informative read I covered several years back, in these pages.  In fact, I read it shortly after meeting my beloved, and it led to a blog post, and a meeting with Joel, back in 2011,  who has his own site and blog, at the Riviera Cafe, where we dined, like "The Ladies Who Lunch!"

                                     Occasionally, I would tune in to him, but, hard as it is for me to keep up even with myself, it is doubly hard, with others.  So, I knew Joel was out there, but wondered what he was up to!

                                       Well, girls, he has written his recent book, "Lawfully Wedded Husband."  I cannot wait to read it.  For all of us who have husbands, and those of you who hope to, or wish you did, I know Joel's book will be pointed, honest and humorously irreverent.  Not unlike yours truly, darlings, though you get enough info on here!

                                          I told Joel I would pick up his new book, and read it!  So, I want all my girls out there, to do the same!  We will dish it, when I complete  it!  What a coffee klatch that will be!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Hey, Joel, are you still writing musical theater?  Well, two suggestions--check out my taking on Seth Rudetsky, with my personal deconstructions of songs he has not bothered to even examine (the only exception being "At The Ballet!!!!!!!") and write me a musical with a show stopping role for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             How about a musical adaptation of Jane Smiley's "A Thousand Acres," where I play the Regan-inspired role of Rose that Michelle Pfeiffer played in the movie?  You could give me
some great musical histrionic moments!  As opposed to my non-musical ones!

                                                 Remember to keep an eye out, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I THOUGHT you looked familiar! I almost said, wait, aren't you that guy who hated me on GWLBWLB that I later persuaded not to hate me?

    I'll definitely check out the Rudestky. As for the Jane Smiley, I have yet to read the book, so it may be a while....

  2. Yep, that was me! So glad to see you are still out and about. As am I!!! Looking forward to reading the new book!
