Monday, August 18, 2014

This Just In, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    The latest recent news from Hollywood, darlings, is that there is going to be another Godzilla (aka Gojira!!!!) movie, in June of 2018.  The lovable reptile's film this year took in so much money this Summer that filmmakers and audiences want more of him!  And why not?  After all, he is so cute, and a hero for our times!

                   Casting has not been announced, though I would like to see Ken Watanabe's character return, and, maybe, if they are still alive, the two "Mothra" girls, now playing tiny hags!!!!!!!!!!!

                     But Gojira will have none of co-starring with Mothra. The two have had a contentious relationship ever since "Godzilla Vs. The Thing,"  50 years before, where, in an unscripted moment, Mothra knocked Gojira on the side of the head!  How can anyone be so nasty??????????????

                   Gojira . for years, has wanted to work with Meryl Streep. and I understand the Divine One is desperately trying to clear her schedule to make this opportunity happen.  She feels it would an honor to work with so esteemed a star, and Gojira has always been one of her biggest admirers.

                    So, tune back here in four years, girls, when it may the the Summer Of Gojira And Meryl!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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