Friday, August 1, 2014

What Is Wrong With The Train This Summer, Darlings???????????????

                        I have to say right out, girls, this has been the Summer of Subway Bitches!  I don't know why!  School is out, so there should be less riders, and the trains not as full!  But, lately, they have been so crowded, I have to let at least three go by, before I can get one, and, when I do, I am pushing and bitching my way on, with others hollering about me taking up their space, when they are taking up mine!

                          Just because I am better educated, and happening be reading "War And Peace"--my big Summer project-- for the third time, I should make way for them, and not read my book????????  The hell with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         When I am on the subway, lambs, it is MY train, so get OUTTA MY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!   And then, if you mouth off, it's usually some obese trash bitch, who has no education, money, or anything; the kind who brings an innocent baby in a carriage onto a crowded train, during rush hour!

                            But, I just don't blame them.  I blame the MTA for cutting back on trains.  They always do this as a ploy to get themselves  more money, which results in higher fares for us.  Kiss off, you bitches, and do your fucking jobs!  Or the day is gonna come, when I, or some other disgruntled patron, is gonna knock one of you MTA guys in the face! Which you will deserve!

                               Just take a look at some of the craziness riders have to deal with, everyday. Either get us better train service, or get these bitches off the trains, and into incarceration, where most of them belong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Who's the bitch now, darlings????????  I've had it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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