Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"Don't Let It Be Forgot, That Once There Was A Spot, For One Brief, Shining Moment , That Was Known As....Spamalot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Yes, darlings, I know the last word should be "Camelot," which I also know is a much better show than "Spamalot."  But I am not here to argue musical theater quality, which can always be saved for another time, but to advocate basic human decency, and artistic freedom.

                          In my recent post, on the murder of Janet Walsh, I questioned what I called these "Podunk places" in Pennsylvania.  Well, another such place has reared its ugly head.

                          A controversy is erupting in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania, that makes the exposure of the town's hypocrisy deserving.  High school drama director, Dawn Burch, had secured the rights to stage the musical "Spamalot"--which has been done in other high school across the country!!!!-- next Spring.  She had even gone so far as to have the school's principal, Jesse Smith, send a check for $1,935--yes!!!!--to cover theatrical licensing costs.  A week later, he sent Burch an email saying he was not "comfortable" with certain scenes in the show, and, later going so far as to say what he was not comfortable with were what he called the show's "homosexual" themes.  Now, I have never seen the show, but, apparently, a very small portion of it involves the satiric portrayal--this is Monty Python, remember!!!!!--of Sir Lancelot as a closeted gay man, who comes out of the closet, and gets married.

                           Come on, darlings, it's not like Robert Goulet is suddenly screwing Richard Burton, or, more likely, Roddy McDowall, on stage, back in 1960!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Now, get this, dolls, South Williamsport just happens to be the home of the annual Little League World Series, so you know what kind of folk live in and around there--homophobes, probably Republicans, whose message is "nothing faggy in Straightsville!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               Fuck you all!  Ms. Burch had the balls to challenge Smith, but, of course, the district Superintendent of Schools, Mark Stamm, defended Smith's stand, resulting in Burch being dismissed, due to "job performance!"  I have just two words for you, Dawn--Law Suit!!!!!!!!!  Go after them!!!!!!!!!!!
And I have words for the Messrs. Smith and Stamm--had I not bigger fish to fry this week, you would have both been named tomorrow as Bitch Of The Week!  In any other week you might have been, so consider yourselves named!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                The bad thing is these are all small town assholes.  The good thing is that their anti-gay hypocrisy is being exposed, and the media is jumping in.  I hope this turns into a feeding frenzy for the community, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 This issue has reached the attention of as noted an organization as the Dramatists Guild, with one of its members, the renowned composer-lyricist Stephen Schwartz, voicing what I consider to be the best response.  He said--"Would you cancel a school production of 'The Diary Of Anne Frank' because of concern over the sensitivities of Holocaust deniers and those with anti-Semitic views in your community?
That seems unlikely.Why then are you so solicitous of homophobia?"

                                   Mr. Schwartz is spot on, with one exception.  I have no doubt there are plenty of Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites in South Williamsport!!!!  Homophobia is just the tip of the iceberg, there!  These are the kind of folk who would think they are being forward thinking by staging "Show Boat," keeping its opening line, "Niggers all work on the Mississippi."  Who are they kidding?

                                  This is why Garrison Keillor and his ilk make me sick when they idealize small town values.  I never swallowed that Lake Woebegone crap when I read it, and I still don't,.  To Mr. Keillor, his ilk, and the community of South Williamsport, Pennsylvania, I say--FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Rock on, Dawn Burch!  "Spamalot" may not  be a great show, but it has a right to be performed!  Hey, you bitches, you can't shield your town's children form world truths forever!  Truths you might be surprised some of those children--maybe even yours!!!!!--know already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    On with the show, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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