Tuesday, September 30, 2014

It Is Disgraceful How The Anniversary Of This Film Is Being Handled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Girls, as soon as we reached January 1 of this year, I knew, as I am sure every queen out there did, that this year was the 75th Anniversaries of those two gems of 1939, and two of the most perfect films of the last century.  I am, of course, talking about "The Wizard Of Oz," and "Gone With The Wind."

                           I have not seen a word about 'Oz," which, let me tell you, I am pretty pissed about.  But, over the weekend, my movie informed friend, Chris, stated there were some screenings coming up. of GWTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Well, he was right, but guess what?  The screenings are so limited that who the hell can go to them?  On Sunday, at the Union Square Stadium Theater on 14th Street, there was a 2PM and 7PM screening.  The 2PM would have been perfect, except I did not know about it.  So we ended up going to the Atlantic Antics, instead!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Now, at the same theater, there is also the same schedule of screenings tomorrow, Wednesday, October 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That happens to be a work day, which means I would have to cut work--and in another time, when younger, I would have--or we would have to go to the 7PM screening, which means we do not get out till 11pm, on a work night, and, if lucky, get home to Bay Ridge by midnight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I could do that thirty years ago, but not now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    What the hell is Turner Entertainment thinking?  I have a good mind to name this organization Bitch Of The Week, though I am waiting for something better.  Bu, really, why such limited screenings?  And so few?  Don't they realize that the bulk of the film's fans, some of whom, like myself, will ONLY see it on the screen, want their chance, but cannot have it?  Why can't more screenings be scheduled?  Why only four, tops?  What is it with these people?

                                        And how about "The Wizard Of Oz?????????????"

                                         Here is the opening sequence of credits to the film, to whet your appetite, and inspire all to petition Turner Entertainment for more screenings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Because we all GIVE a damn, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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