Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Body Is STILL Pain Wracked, From Stone Floors, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     I tried, I really tried, darlings, to get a shot of Jennifer Jones actually scrubbing the convent floors in "The Song Of Bernadette."  But I am sure the Archdiocese wants to keep that image locked securely away; it has, after all enough Pandora's Boxes floating around.

                      But, now that Labor Day, and officially, those Magic Days Of Summer, which we all wish would last for Eternity but do not, has ended, we are reminded of our burdens.  I am telling you, girls, from the time a Catholic baby is plucked from his mother's womb, he is placed on stone floors to scrub.  I bet the leading cause of pain among Catholics today is back pain.  And this is why.  Statistically, I am sure they suffer more back pain than any other denomination.

                        This is the REAL Labor Day, darlings--bodies pain wracked from stone floors.  Bernadette took no pain killers; there were none in those days, besides she was going for sainthood so to do so would have been verboten.

                          But for all my girls suffering today, take whatever gets you through the you-know-what day!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's one thing to buck for sainthood; just try to get through the day in one piece!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Don't you just love September, darlings???????????????????????

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