Thursday, September 25, 2014

Something To Cheer You All Up, After That Last Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           We all need a break, darlings, after that last post!  Imagine what it took out of me to write it!  Another thing passing through my mind lately is the classic song "City Of New Orleans," which I occasionally sing.  I always thought the song, made famous by Arlo Guthrie in 1972,  had  been written by him  as well, but that distinction goes to someone else.

                             That would be a lesser known singer/songwriter named Steve Goodman.  Interestingly, considering the last post, there is an autobiographical component to this song. It came to Goodman during the late Sixties, early Seventies, as he was riding the Illinois Central Line to visit his wife's family.

                              The composer actually recorded it himself on an album named for the song, back in 1971.  No one remembers that.  History was changed, though, when Goodman met Arlo Guthrie, at Chicago's Quiet Knight bar.  He approached Guthrie, asking if he could play something for him.  Guthrie agreed, provided Goodman buy him a beer, and if he did, Guthrie would hear the song out, for as long as it took him to drink the beer.  I guess Guthrie thought this was another green-behind-the-ears kid.

                                Well, no one knows if Guthrie finished that beer, or not.  What is known he was so impressed by what he heard, he asked Goodman if he could record it.  I am sure Goodman was thrilled to have so renowned a performer record his song.  It was included on Guthrie's 1972 album, "Hobo's Lullaby."  The show business irony  is that, while the song came from Goodman, it became Guthrie's signature song.   But this was no Diana Ross-Florence Ballard bitch thing, because Goodman would perform it, up until his death at 36, (so young!) from leukemia, in 1984.  And Arlo had no problems with it.  And I  am sure Guthrie's rendition garnered more money for Goodman, as the song went on to become a classic, being recorded by others.  I don't know if Arlo Guthrie still performs, but, if he does, I bet he cannot finish a set, without singing this song!

                                   Now, I know, girls, you would love to hear my rendition, but that is just not possible at this time.  So, here is Arlo Guthrie's classic rendition for you all to listen to, and enjoy!

                                    "All along the South bound odyssey," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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