Saturday, September 6, 2014

There Was No One Quite Like Joan, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        I remember the evening I first experienced Joan Rivers.  It was in 1965, and I was watching something on WNEW-TV, Channel 5, called the "National Trivia Test," in which Joan was one of the panelists.  I also took the test, and astounded my parents, by getting most of the quesstions  right.  And I was only 10 years old!!!!!  Showed where I was headed!!!!!!!  You know what I missed? There was this section, where was shown a series of photos of child stars, and they had to be identified.  I mean, there was Shirley Temple, Judy Garland, Claude Jarman, Jr. (even I knew him by then, girls!!!!!!!!!!!  Why???  Because I wanted to be a Hollywood child star!!!!!!!) and Freddie Bartholomew!!!!!!!!!!!   But there was also one of this little dark haired girl, in a dress coat,with a matching peaked hat.  This was someone I had not yet seen, or heard of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          You know who it was, girls?????????  Margaret O'Brien!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe I missed out on Margaret O'Brien!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             But, back to Joan, whose raspy voiced delivery, and sharp tongue, automatically caught my attention.  And, when she began turning up all over the place, I was always there, watching, in fascination.  By the time I reached my late teens, when my parents did not care how late I stayed up, anyway, whenever the "Tonight Show" featured Joan Rivers as Guest Host, I would tune in, just to watch her opening monologue. Which was better than Carson's, I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And so, she took her final curtain call last week.

                               The great irony of Joan Rivers' passing, which I am sure even she is laughing about, was that, as hostess of "Fashion Police," she died on Beyonce's birthday!!!!!!!!!!  The same day that Liza sent her Sister Friend a gift by Halston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Whether invoking her famous catch phrases, "Can we talk?." or my personal favorite, "What a tramp!," used to chronicle the saga of maybe fictional classmate Heidi Abromowitz,  dissing with Melissa, or going off on Palestine and Selena Gomez, not to mention her vagina, on Jimmy Fallon's show, (I saw real fear in his eyes that thought; he was scared this first show would be his last!  It turned out, sadly, to be a benchmark, of sorts!!!!!) I admired Joan for saying what the rest of us want to say, but don't--just like I try to do on here, girls!!!!!!!!!!   Now, did Joan inspire this blog???????  Not consciously, but I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that anyone of us who does anything that smacks of humor, owes a debt of gratitude to Joan Rivers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Very few people in the biz are irreplaceable, but Joan is one of them!  She will be deeply missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        If only technology could link us to the Celestial Realm!  Then, we could get reports from Joan on what those miserable tramps are wearing there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         One thing for sure, darlings--she has an audience, this very minute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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