Sunday, September 7, 2014

They Should Have Called This Episode "Lethal Lesbians," Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            It has been a long time--a VERY long time--since I have seen anything the the 'Law And Order' franchise good enough to write about.  But, when I saw "Lonelyville," which really should have been entitled "Lethal Lesbians," I knew I had to talk to all my girls about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             The minute I saw Josh Pais was in it, I knew he would be playing some sexist schlep.  He plays this wannabe writer named Noah Brezner.  His only claim to fame is that he has had some collection of short stories published , which really didn't go anywhere; besides, the reason he can play this "I am a writer  game," is because he is living off some dumb wife who is subsidizing his pseudo career.  You might think this entitles her to some kind of loyalty he owes her, but Noah, being played by Josh as a schlep, is one big pussy hound and alcoholic, and when he drinks he wants sex.   So he goes on the prowl and is accosted by three women in a bar--a Ukrainian beauty, found murdered in his bed, and two lesbians, Leanne Baler (Lola Glaudini) and Tammy Mills (Amanda Detmer) who roll this guy, drug him, and leave compromising photos they threaten to show his wife, and extort $200K from her.

                              Meanwhile, Noah has met Tammy elsewhere, and is dumb enough to think he is her muse, and  that they are in love.  But not as long as lesbian Leanne, a disgraced attorney, who is just one step away from being disbarred, but acts as Tammy's lawyer, is controlling things.  Noah is such a coward he kills himself in jail, which is what I think he deserves, and when Tammy finds out, she genuinely breaks down, because she made the mistake of falling in love with Noah, which outrages Leanne.  But Tammy is outraged herself; so much so, she testifies against Leanne, implicating both of them in their scheme of blackmailing wealthy married men.  Noah, it turns out, was not the first.

                                The episode ends on a brilliant note, with Leanne speaking one of the cruelest lines ever heard in an episode.   It figures it would come from a lesbian.  As Leanne and Tammy are being led away, Leanne says to her, "You need to be loved all the time, don't you?  Well, what do you have now?"  Tammy looks at Leanne and snivels, "Nothing...nothing!" and sobs, walking away, while Leeanne gives her the most disdainful look she could muster.  I wanted this bitch to get the Death penalty right then.

                                 This whole story should serve as a cautionary tale to straight men and their lesbian fantasies.  Don't get mixed up with Lethal Lesbians.  Even the girls at Henrietta Hudson's come off better than this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I had to feel sorry for Tammy. But not Noah and Leanne.  They both deserved what they got!

                                    And Noah's wife gets to keep all that money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Now, isn't that simply fabulous, girls??????????????????????

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