Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"Thirty Days Hath September.................."

                             So, goes the old rhyme?  Can you believe we have come to the end of September, girls????????  A month that saw Summer end, Labor Day, the Tyler Clementi Anniversary, the same for 9/ll, and, of course, me finally being filmed, in front of the Waverly, singing "Frank Mills."

                              It was a Hot September, and a cold one!  No theater except for that turkey Cady Huffman was in, and, by now, has forgotten.  And once you have been through childhood, one never ceases that Back To School feeling from September; as adults, we hunker down for the Long Winter ahead, and the Holidays attendant. And street fairs.

                                Yes, darlings, it all happened in September.  When next I speak with you, it will be October, and there is plenty lined up, already!

                                  Heaven get me through the dentist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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