Thursday, September 4, 2014

This Bitch Has To Be Stopped.....And NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I feel like I am beginning to repeat myself on here, since a previous Bitch Of The Week was the sister of the Boston Marathon Bomber.  But, now, we have another terrorist related winner.

                          The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is...ISIS!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Just what ISIS is, I cannot guess. The best I can gather is that it is some sort of Islamic Terrorist militant group, that gets off on sick videos showing American and British journalists--most notably, James Foley--being executed on camera, so that sick eyes who want to watch this sort of thing can.   They want to send out a so-called message to the world.

                              The Britisher (or more than one!) who shot Foley and others are the real Bitches Of The Week!  They should be hauled off to prison, and denied admission to England ever again!!!!!!!!!!

                                 How much longer can such senseless killing goes on, before the bubble bursts?????????

                                   And where is the sense of social activism and conscience that was so prevalent in the Sixties?????????  Actions would have been taken, back then, I can tell you. Today's bubble heads only care about the pseudo career games they are acting out; running around with their technology like they think they are somebody, when really they are not.  I am sick of the whole bunch of them, and I want nothing to do with these materialistic parasites.

                                    Bring back the Age Of Aquarius!!!!!!!!  Bring back Sixties Activism!!!!!!!!!!

                                    But most, get rid of this ISIS bitch!

                                     I liked it better when ISIS was Isis, the polytheistic Egyptian God, in the Universal 'Mummy' movies, especially those featuring Im-Ho-Tep, Princess Ankhesenamon (later shortened to Anaka, with Prince Kharis, in other 'Mummy' movies.

                                      Mummy knew better than these bitches, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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