Monday, October 20, 2014

Girls, I Am Telling You, "Holden's Manifesto," Done On 'SVU' Last Week, Was Almost As Fun--But Not Quite--As The One Valerie Solonas Did Called SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            It's Monday, girls which means I am back on the beat, after a several day hiatus, yet still feeling like Winona Ryder as Beth Macintyre in "Black Swan."  I will be talking about Beth in another post, to be sure, but, right now, I want to talk about 'SVU's ' take on the Elliot Rodger case, called "Holden's Manifesto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            Embittered gays and misogynists would love it!  I found it fascinating as a psychological study of someone in the throes of sexual ambivalence.

                             First of all, I loved John Karna's brilliant performance as Holden March.  The videos he did as part of the character's psychosis, were performed well by him, and were chillingly convincing. At first, I was confused; with references to shooting and students fleeing out of potentially targeted schools, I thought they were doing the Adam Lanza story in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, which is coming up on its second anniversary, December 14.

                              But once Holden began centering his rant on his wrath at girls' inabilities to see his charms, I realized Elliot Rodger's story was being done. He was the 22-year-old kid, in Van Nuys, CA, who, last May, went on a shooting rampage for the same reason--he couldn't get a date, he couldn't get laid, he was nice looking, so what is wrong with these girls???????????/

                               Of course, John was kinda cute, playing Holden. And Elliot was not a bad looker.  He was short, but, hey, Mel Brooks married Anne Bancroft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But in both cases, the actor, for his character, and Elliot himself, projected two very cold looking eyes, almost a deadened look that alerted one to sociopathic tendencies.   Elliot was said to have Asperger's Syndrome, though not many with this kill, but Holden was barely diagnosed, if at all.

                                 Hey, Elliot, Holden and the rest, face up to it--if you can't score with girls, go the the other way!  Maybe you will succeed, because you were both cute enough for gay men, and you might find, at least that being with someone can be satisfying.

                                  As for Valerie Solonas, there was no hope for her. She was so ugly she would not even make it as a lesbian!!!!!!!!!!   So, she had no choice but to rant about cutting up men, though  I love the verve of her prose style, when she does it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, my God, what a hoot!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     "Holden's Manifesto" was not a hoot, but it did not dig deep enough. And I was put off by the cops taking down Holden.  That should not have happened; he simply needed to be incarcerated in a psychiatric facility.

                                           So, I was more sympathetic to the plight of Holden's mother, than a lot of viewers.  And I disagree with those who called that child care worker a bitch!  Olivia should have been with Noah, who was ill!  That baby won't be on the show for long because Olivia can never keep a kid!  She would lose one on the subway!  And I am sick and tired of 'SVU' being "The Olivia Benson Show."  Such a downer, that soon the scripts will start being written by Joan Didion!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              The episode ended with a final video made by Holden, who looked like he was atop a building, and about to commit suicide. At this point, we know he is dead, but I think had the video ended with him committing suicide before our eyes, it would have been more powerful, and had more impact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  But none of the writers have any guts or originality, any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   For a glimpse of the real thing, here is Elliot ranting!  Cute, huh?????????????

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