Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Girls, If The Authors Of "Weird New Jersey" Did Not Cover Greystone, They Did Not Know Jack About The State They Were Covering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        When I was a child, and my parents would try (as if they could, darlings!!!!!!!!!!) to scare me, they would threaten to send me to someplace called Greystone.  I never knew where it was except that it is "in the mountains of North Jersey," and it was not until many years later that I discovered it was a mental hospital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Surprise, surprise!  As far as I know, no family members of mine have ever been confined there, though I can think of several who should have been, and should be, now!

                               Except, as I saw for myself this weekend on the extended Morristown  tour, Greystone is now a very Gothic looking, abandoned asylum, where I sensed the horror of the place.

                               Like Castle Medina, in Roger Corman's 1961 movie, "The Pit And The Pendulum"--featuring Barbara Steele, fresh from her triumph as Princess Asa, whom we just LOVE, the year before, in "Black Sunday"--at night, it is said among these parts that the shrieks and moans of the spirits walk about the place, that their moans of pain echo from the depths of the dungeon, where the dark deeds were done!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 At night, the bodies of the hunchbacked and demented, who died there, arise from their graves, in search of victims; innocent passersby, who may just be doing a nightly constitutional  past this fascinating place, but beware this fascination.

                                   The horrible demons will leap upon the living, twisting and mangling their bodies, so that they become one of them, laughing, cackling and howling all the while!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Of course, darlings, you know I was just itching to stay out all night, roam about the place, and see for myself what actually goes on. And who and I what I just might see.

                                       Beware the fascination of Greystone!  Beware falling under its possessive spell!!!!!!!!  Who needs "American Horror Story," when New Jersey has this??????????

                                         If only Sussex County had not destroyed the Native Village, which no one writes about.  This was a grass hutted recreation of a cartoon African village, with performers enacting real natives, holding spears, and everything. I always wanted to go, but my parents would never hear of it. The natives reminded me of those in "King Kong" (1933), and I expected to go there and hear Noble Johnson's (the Native Chief) line from the film--"Ana saba Kong!"  Which means, of course, "She is the bride of Kong!"

                                          Alas ,it was not to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Maybe, after all this Greystone talk, I need a nice, young Catholic priest, to do an exorcism on me!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           You know, Father Wattawaste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh, RQ: you really REALLY need to watch at least the first episode of "American Horror Story: Asylum" near or on Halloween. If you liked the real-life Greystone, you will absolutely ADORE the fictional Briarcliff Manor!

    I thought they must have used an actual old asylum like Greystone to film in, but instead they built a gargantuan set, bigger than the ones made for "The Wiz." The attention to aged detail is incredible: you'd never think it was an artificial sound stage.

    Such a pity it was dismantled after the miniseries finished: Roger Corman or William Castle would have had a field day romping in its murky tunnels, spooky rooms and decayed main hall. Corman could have easily made three movies just in its creepy lobotomy/operating/torture room.

  2. I would have loved to have walked that set of AHS, as well as Greystone. I definitely got paranormal vibes from the place.

    And I have to watch Jessica as Sister Jude! A nun after my own heart!
