Monday, October 27, 2014

Is Little Debbie Actually A Lesbian??????????????????

                                     You have to wonder, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not  that I have tried any of the Little Debbie products; they always seemed too distinctly Middle Class for me, girls!!!!!!!!!!!  But, last Friday, while food shopping with my beloved, I came face to face with Little Debbie, whose products were on my eye level, and I was struck at how butch she actually looked!

                                         Not since Sis and Butch in my edition of "Go To The Head Of The Class" board game (by Milton Bradley, of course!!!!!!!!!!!) have I seen such butch-ness.  They also had freckles on their cheeks, which gave them a decidedly butch appearance.  Little Debbie, to compensate, has that cowboy hat, and that slant-eyed, slatternly look on her face.  She is up to something, even if that includes rug munching!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Now, dolls, I don't want to give you all nightmares--especially this early in the day.  But the issue must be faced.  Little Debbie has a decidedly Sapphic look, which makes me wonder if she is actually from Staten Island!!!!!!!!!  I hear a lot goes on, over there!

                                             You all remember the comic book character, Nancy, by Ernie Bushmiller.  Now, she definitely was!!!!!!!!!   A lesbian, I mean!  I can picture she and Little Debbie hanging out at the Cubby Hole, or maybe the Clit Club!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I have never seen anyone buying Little Debbie products, which makes me wonder if lesbians are the key purchasers!!!!!!!!!  A statistical study should be made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                That Little Debbie!  Fresh!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Fresh, indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 She should be made to stand in the corner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  I am telling you, she's a Dyke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Little Debbie, Debbie McKee-Fowler, is married to Randall Fowler.

  2. rwfowler,
    Now, that is interesting. I had no
    idea Little Debbie was a real person.
    I was writing about her picture on the
    logo, and nothing else.

    And she still looks too butch for me!
