Saturday, October 11, 2014

'SVU' Skewers Lindsay Lohan (Or Was It Amanda Bynes???????) But, As Usual With This Declining Show, Does A Piss Poor Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     I tended to think the show was skewering Lindsay, darlings, because she is much better known than Amanda, who is simply a Lindsay wannabe.  Lindsay has worked with the likes of MERYL, and has proven herself able to , when she can function, whereas Amanda will never see the inside of a mainstream sound stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Also, the mother-daughter relationship of Tinsely Evans (played by Stevie Jones) and  her mother, Donna Evans (played by Dana Wheeler-Nicholson) seemed to closely mirror the relationship between Lindsay and her mother, Dina.

                        I am telling you that Donna Evans was a piece of work.  Still dressed like it was that Seventies, with that faux Farrah wannabe hair style that showed how desperate she was to be seen at the pool parties and blow execs underwater that she forced her daughter to.  I thought for sure they were going to go after Donna for pushing her daughter too hard--I am sure Dina did the same thing when Lindsay was up and coming; hell, she probably made her fuck Daddy when she was 3!!!!!!!!!!  The story seemed to be going in this very interesting direction, when it was revealed that Amber, another underage starlet at these parties, accidentally drowned.  Only, she didn't. She was forced to "give oral" underwater to producer Adam Brubeck, sleazily and superbly played by stage actor Brian D'Arcy James.  Of course, she was not able to do it, but was afraid not to because of HER mother,
So, it was not an accidental homicide, but MURDER, as Brubeck wouldn't let go, and forced her, to the point that she drowned.

                         By that logic, Amber's mother (who was not seen) should have been charged too, and that Donna Evans should have been hauled off to the slammer, for allowing her daughter to be seen and act the way she did at such parties!!!!!!!!! Let's face it, girls, ten years from now, daughter Tinsley will be permanently ensconced in a mental institution, if not dead, while Donna, like Rosanna Arquette in that episode last season, will be plying her trade as a sleazy  prostitute along the Sunset Strip. She deserves it; she prostituted her daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Exactly like Lindsay and Dina, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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