Thursday, October 30, 2014

These Two Bitches Were Justifiably Done In By Their Homicidal Daughters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 You all remember the Season 9 opener of 'SVU,' darlings, entitled "Alternate."  This was the episode, where Cynthia Nixon, going for the Emmy gold, in a redux of both "Primal Fear" and "Sybil," plays Janis Donovan, a person allegedly with Dissociative Identity Disorder, and faked several personalities.  My personal favorite was Dory, who dressed in tight, clingy clothes, short shorts, had girlish braids, and visited Kathy Stabler at her home, where the two girls sat down, had coffee, and Kathy had to listen to how hot Dory thinks Elliot is.  Not that Kathy has not heard this before; hell, even Isabel Gilles, who played Kathy, had to hear it from folks on the street!

                                  The whole thing turns out to be a charade, so Janis and her sister, Cass, once she is out of jail on a minor charge, can proceed to the home of their parents, Francis and Molly Donovan, and murder them.  They had good reason to.

                                   Francis and Molly, though fictional, are, jointly, the winners of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award. These were two who never should have had children, but did, and what they did to their daughters--like beatings, and making them drink hot sauce, kneeling on kernels of rice--the standard abuse crap. The worst of the two, I think, was Molly; instead of protecting her daughters, she either watched, abused them herself, or held them down, for her husband.   By 16, Janis leaves home, but feels guilty about Cass, who, eventually, leaves, too becoming a messed up drug addict.

                                   The Donovan girls are pretty messed up, anyway, and should not have children.  Does Cass have a daughter?  I am not sure.  They say abusers were once abused, so I would like to have known the Donovans' back story.  Interesting how two abusive personalities can be attracted to one another, and coalesce.

                                     But they were abusive bitches, and deserved what they got!  It was sad for Cass having to go to jail at the end, but, with Janis screaming to get her out on Battered Child Syndrome, and the parents, in their cameo shot, shown dead, even in prison, Cass is better off.

                                       And the Donovans, this week's winners, can go burn in HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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