Saturday, October 11, 2014

This Is One Cold, Monster Bitch, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        As soon as I heard about 53-year-old Gigi Jordan, I knew she would have made an excellent Bitch Of The Week, except her crime was so heinous I couldn't wait to write about it.

                        Now, remember how "The Bad Seed" was supposed to end?  Christine Penmark, pushed to the breaking point at discovering her prepubescent daughter, Rhoda, is what today would be called a murderous sociopath, the tendency for which was passed down by her granny, Christine's actual mother, who had been the same way!  To end the pain for both, Christine was going to do a murder-suicide.  Kill the child with an overdose of sleeping pills, and shoot herself in the head.

                         I am not saying this was right, but, if you watch the story, you understand Christine's POV!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Things did not work out that way. On stage, the child survived, and the mother died!  On film, thanks to the Hays Code, the mother survives, but the child dies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Evil, no matter how young, has to be punished.

                           So, what was evil about Jordan's son, Jude Mirra????????????  The eight-year-old boy was mute and autistic; a challenge no doubt.  And one Gigi apparently had had enough of, and wanted to get rid of, so she could assume a normal life.

                            All this talk about her son writing to her, proposing a suicide pact (Gigi was supposed to go, too, which would have been a good thing!!!!!!!!!!!) amounts to nothing, because there wasn't any. No child is going to have the degree of thinking necessary to form such an idea.  It just shows how Jordan, a wealthy pharmaceutical executive, was desperate to get rid of her burden. This was what Hitler was proposing.  Too bad she didn't work for the SS!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Instead, she wants to set a precedent. Then she says once she tried to kill him, she tried to revive him!   Huh?  You can't have it both ways, hon!!!!!!!!!!!!  You slipped him the drugs, you are a KILLER!  Cover this face with the Mask Of Satan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               The courts will have a field day with this one!  If this gets set as one, then parents will have carte blanche to destroy children, whom, for any reason, they feel are imperfect!  And that is wrong, as it eliminates personal responsibility.

                                Jordan may have been challenged to the max!  But, especially being wealthy, there were options she could have employed--in-house care, hospice care, whatever.  But murder???????  There is no excuse for this behavior!

                                 Too bad Jude could not have been rescued by Children's Services, before this Mother got into the act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Remember those two Puritan women at the opening of "Horror Hotel," pointing to the stake in the center of the shot?  I agree with them--

                                    "BURRRRRRRRRRRRN the Witch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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