Thursday, October 2, 2014

Today Is The Feast Of The Guardian Angels, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Anyone who was raised Catholic knows that today, October 2, is the Feast Of The Guardian Angels.  For the uninformed, when a Catholic child is born, a guardian angel is assigned by God to watch over that child, throughout the rest of that life.  I wonder if the angels fight over who they are going to get, or balk at having to watch over some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Imagine,  these celestial beings guide us through childhood, and our innocence, but then have to put up with puberty, when we are not, and adulthood, when we make real mistakes!  Or, at least, some of us do.

                                It is also said that when the child, now elder, passes this Life, the Guardian Angel will be there to guide them on the next step of the journey.  I sure hope so, and I hope I am guided to a front table at the Colony Club In The Sky where all my loved ones are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 My angel has had his share of challenges, let me tell you!  But he/she has persevered, and so have I!!!!!!!!!!!!  Guide me through this day, and let me come through the rest of this week all right!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   How many of us out there remember the Guardian Angel Prayer?"

                                    "Angel of, my Guardian, dear,
                                      God's love for me has sent you here.
                                       Ever this day, be at my side.
                                       To light and guard, to rule and guide."

                                    A toast to all those Guardian Angels!  Give them a day of rest, and behave!!!!!!!!!!

                                     If you are able, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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