Thursday, October 16, 2014

We Have A Dead Bitch This Week, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And An Historic One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          It was just revealed this week by Michael and Robert Meeropol, the sons of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, that their estranged uncle, David Greenglass, died on July 1 of this year, at the age of 92.  He and his wife, Ruth, who predeceased him, were the Ruth and Bernie Medoff of their day.  Ruth and Bernie robbed countless thousands of savings worked for, over the years; David betrayed his family, by turning in his sister and brother-in-law for things they did not necessarily commit, sending them to the chair.  The Rosenbergs, I hope, are looking down on us and laughing, when you think about the fuss made over the little nothing they were all alleged to do--being free thinkers--compared to the dangers we face today from ISIS and Ebola, which I have no doubt is government germ warfare, designed to winnow out the undesirables.  America has adopted the principles of the Holocaust, applying it differently.

                           But back to David.  Years later, he recanted his testimony, smugly saying he would not sacrifice the lives of his wife and children.  Seemingly admirable, but narcissistic, when it involves turning in your own sister.  What happened to those children of yours, David?  Did they turn on you?  I hope they did.

                             As for the Rosenberg boys, Michael and Robert, when Ethel and Julius were facing death, leaving the boys orphaned. the Greenglasses refused to take them. Thank God for the Meeropols.

                              And, although imprisoned, David was released from prison, David took on a new identity, and lived in Queens--a fate he deserved.  He also lived to be 92, which some might say was an achievement, but I see as a punishment--having to live out his life, living with what he had done!!!!!!!!!  Or did he even care?  I wonder?

                             The Rosenberg Case always fascinated me, from the time I first heard about it, till my first (and not last reading) of E.L. Doctorow's fictionalization of it, "The Book Of Daniel."  I used to think they were completely innocent; now I am not so sure. Julius, Ethel, David and Ruth were in activities together, but what gets me is when caught, there was no need to execute anyone; Life Without Parole would have been enough.  But David's betrayal, and Ruth's complicity, helped seal the Rosenbergs fate, which was to be used by the Conformist government of the day (and not much different from now!!!!!!!!!!!!) as scapegoats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The Rosenbergs and the Greenglasses should have gotten Life.

                                Ruth and David got off easy.  Which is why they make me sick.  And not taking the boys????????  Shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Life punished David by having him live so long.  I punish him by making him this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week .  May Death punish him, by denying him the peaceful rest, after what he denied to members of his own family, whom he betrayed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 You are scum,  David!!!!!!!!!!  Justice For Julius And Ethel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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