Saturday, November 29, 2014

Girls, I Just LOVE Lisa And Julie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  "Awesome sauce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                  "Wow! The only one I know who says
                                                     that is--
                                                    Julie?"--Discover Card Commercial

                     Darlings, not since "The Patty Duke Show" has there been a set of such fun filled lookalikes as Lisa and Julie on the Discovery Card commercial.  Now, Julie is the one who works,
while Lisa is at home, trying to figure out her FICA score.

                       The dynamics here are fascinating, girls, because these twins live very different lifestyles.  Julie is obviously out there working, earning an honest dollar, while Lisa is either a ne'er do well, or maybe she did too well, and netted herself a rich husband; in either case, she can curl up on her couch, not having to work, and only worrying about absurdities like that FICA score.

                          Discover Card has a series of other commercials, but  Lisa and Julie are my favorites!
They should build some more ads around them. So we can learn about those differing lifestyles.

                             Such devoted sisters, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                            


  1. First, there was only 1 actress playing both rolls on the patty duke show and lastly they were cousins, not twins. Just sayin

    1. False, watch the commercial. She even says my Twin sister. Not cousin. As for the one actress I can believe that

    2. False, watch the commercial. She even says my Twin sister. Not cousin. As for the one actress I can believe that

  2. True, Leon, true. It was the lookalike factor I was focusing on, not the nature of the relationship. The show's theme song established them as cousins right off!

  3. She looks high (-__-)

  4. She looks high (-__-)
