Thursday, November 13, 2014

Happy Birthday, Sammy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Sammy, by accident of birth, always begins Musical Theatre Week!  So, here we are once again, honoring the TONY Winner, whose performance for certainly a turning point for me, both in terms of art and my sexual realization.

                               When I look at the footage of the Original Cast members, I cannot help notice that, even with stalwarts like Tommy Walsh and Wayne Cilento, what a marvelously fluid dancer Sammy was.  If he were still in New York, and could do anything for me, in terms of dance, I would trust him with transforming my ineptitude. Even if it only results in losing pounds.  That is good, too.

                               So, here is to 66-I can't believe it!!!!!!!!--years, Sammy!!!!!!!!!!  We've both come a long way from Jersey!

                                It almost seems I post this every year, but why not? It gives those who were not there in 1975, a chance to observe Sammy's brilliance.  Here he is, doing what he did best, unmatched by anyone since!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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