Saturday, November 1, 2014

It's November, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Can you believe we are starting the 11th month?  Where has the year gone?

                                In another post, I will tell you about our Halloween.  I can't wait to discuss "Asylum--American Horror Story," with all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But November.  Not only the month of my birth, but don't forget Musical Theater Week, which runs from the 14th through the 20th!!!!!!!   And Thanksgiving, which inaugurates the Holiday Season, which ends abruptly come January 2, so, after Turkey Day, the year really begins winding down!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    And countdown for me. Not only 17 days till my birthday, but these are the last 17 days of my Fifties.  I can't believe how fast this decade has gone.  It helped, having my beloved with me for most of half of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       So, I wish you all a joyous and settled November!  Don't forget to turn your clocks back tonight. That extra hour of sleep can help with beauty, and once the time changes it is time to curl up with some Victorian novels, as the days grow short, the nights long, because it starts getting dark at 4:30 in the afternoon.   We are at that time again.  Seems like yesterday, I was walking down my street in the Summer.

                                         Happy November, everyone!  And especially to those with birthdays in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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