Friday, November 14, 2014

Look Into The Face Of A Homophobe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 He looks the part, doesn't he, girls?  Cold eyes, trashy look, all the classic features of the kind of scum that would attack a gay man.  Which is exactly what happened to an unidentified gay man in Victoriaville, California!

                                    I know, dolls, I know!  I fervently wish Life could be all about The Colony Club and "The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg," but sometimes it just isn't.  It also amazes me how these things happen in what I would think would be more forward looking places.  Gay attacks have happened in Greenwich Village in New York--a place many might say is the Gay Capital Of The World--and, while Victoriaville might not be San Francisco or L.A., I always thought California was more forward thinking than most of the rest of the country.

                                   Just goes to show!

                                   Here's the story--It seems the four men involved--the victim, a 17-year-old boy, (also unidentified, because he is a minor) Robert Fraire, aged 22, and the guy pictured, Ethan Walker, 23, all worked at the mall, and were all friends.  At first.  By the way, Fraire and the 17-year-old have been apprehended.  Walker is still out there, and I hope they nail him good!  And I have some ideas, which I will share!

                                   But back to the story.  Like I said, at first, everyone was friends.  But when Walker found out the unidentified man, who is 34 years old, was gay, well, he just freaked!  He got his two cohorts, and lured the victim  to a drainage wash near Mall Boulevard by Petaluma Road, where they beat him with a vodka bottle, wooden boards, stabbed him in the leg, leaving him alive, but having to go to a hospital, where he was treated for a concussion, among other things.  All during the attack, they were yelling anti-gay slurs.

                                   My heart goes out to the victim.  And I can understand his hesitancy in not coming forward with his identity.  But, hon, if you don't, these scum will do things like this again.  The more gays who come out and confront their attackers and criticize a society that, for all intents and purposes, condones this, the less it will come to be condoned.  And the better you will feel!   Oh, my God, I am starting to sound like Olivia Benson!

                                   However I feel, I do respect the victim's decision.  It is his call.

                                   But I have no respect for his attackers, and especially for the ringleader, Ethan Walker.  Look at you, bitch!  You are nothing but a piece of trash scum.  You were probably raised by hypocritical parents who thought, and still do, that church is everything.  Your mother was probably a waitress, and your father a garage mechanic--a grease monkey--who would come home, and, in between gulps of beer and sports shows on television, beat his wife and kids.  Look at you! Twenty three years old, probably a dropout, druggie, robber, and now gay basher!  Working in  a mall!  Oh yeah, a real success path!  Your parents sure messed up with you!  And then you messed up more, yourself.

                                   You're going to find out what it's like.  Because, when you eventually get put in prison, you will be passed among  the populace while they play Slide The Salami, deciding which one of them will have you for his bitch!!!!!!!!!!  That's right!

                                     If I got you into an interrogation room, I would make you crack.  I would put you in front of a DVD player and screen, endlessly running BARBRA in "Funny Girl"--with me beside the screen, acting out every bit of it, as only a gay man can!

                                       Oh, yeah, Ethan Walker, you're a REAL man!  I hope when you get to Hell you get the flamboyant Devil from the K. Gordon Murray Christmas movie of 1959, "Santa Claus!"  Wait till he gets his hands on you!

                                       Confront, people!  Until you do, these attacks won't stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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