Saturday, November 1, 2014

Now, THIS Was The Highlight Of The Evening, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          When the highlight of one's Halloween evening is watching Chloe Sevigny  executing a cavernous climb up a flight of school basement stairs, as a deformed, legless monster, in bra and panties, then that is success!   And I am telling you, girls, if anything was the highlight of "Asylum--American Horror Story," it was this, which I am using to introduce the show to you.

                             The Catholicism and other high jinks I will save for s separate post.  But once again, Chloe demonstrates--when you need someone to play an over aged slut, call Chloe Sevigny!!!!!!!!   No one does it better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I think this will go down as one of the most iconic moments in Chloe's career.  If you think it something here, you should see it in actuality, as well as the rest of her performance.

                                 And to think she and I share the same birthday--I am twenty years older!

                                 Too bad I can't be seen for "American Horror Story!"  I can do the Chloe Crawl, as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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