Thursday, November 13, 2014

This Subway Bitch Got Exactly What She Deserved, And If There Was Any Justice, She Would Have Gotten More!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Excuse me, girls, this morning, for sounding like Miss India Wilkes (Alicia Rhett)  in "Gone With The Wind," but there is a point here. This fresh faced slattern Miss, Danay Howard, is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                            This piece of trash, the kind written about in books like "Random Family," who  never get out of the ghetto hell they find themselves placed into, because their lack of breeding keeps them there, had the nerve, with her friends Kevin Gil, 21 and Shanique Campbell, 20, to attack a man on the subway.  Danay is 21 but her behavior would make a 12-year-old seem mature.

                             At 5am on Saturday, November 8, these four (they are all guilty, but Danay is BOTW, because she was the instigator) clashed with Jorge Pena, 25. They taunted him about the clothes  he was wearing, when Danay began  hitting him on the back of the head with her shoe.  That is when Jorge turned around, slapping her so hard, she was knocked back.

                             Hey, Danay, honey, let me tell you, if you are downtown in NYC, you can dress the hell you please!!!!!!!! What is wrong with an 8 Ball Jacket?  We aren't in Armani territory, exactly, and neither are the clothes you are wearing.  Bet Jorge paid for his; you and your friends got your rags off the rack, on a five finger discount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I say-Good for you, Jorge!  Smack that bitch across the face!  I would have done the same thing, and I wouldn't care!  The only thing I would be cautious about is if they pull out weapons on you.  But my reflex action, like Jorge, would have been to smack back.

                              Keep these teen sluts in their homes, while their mothers are out on the street, turning tricks or scoring drugs, and their fathers are out in the afternoon, looking for a kid to beat. Why should trash like this be allowed to ride the subway?  And why should such behavior be tolerated?????????????????

                                I think Jorge Pena should be hailed as a hero!  Even the ladies on "The View," in discussing this said it was OK for him to hit her, as she struck first!!!!!!!!  Who did Little Miss Know Nothing think she was???????????

                                 You may be 21, Danay, honey, but you ain't ready for society, sugar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Go sweeten up in some adult facility until you learn to stop being a bitch!!!!!!!!!  You and your friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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