Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Where Is Our Lady Of 76th Street, In Bay Ridge??????????????????????

                        Now, girls, by now you know, that, try as best I do, I am not exactly Jennifer Jones in "The Song Of Bernadette."  I do what I can, though, and one thing I do is talk to Mary a lot.  Not like the way we were taught to address her, back in that thing called Catechism, but like one of the girls. Though I still know the basic Mary prayers and hymns.

                         Each morning, when my beloved and I leave our apartment, we walk up 76th Street, which is near us, because the houses are especially beautiful.  At 218, the gate is always open, and the statue of Mary is there, because Mary is always ready to receive visitors, and to listen.

                           Well, three days ago, we walked past the house--and no Mary!  I said I would let this go for three days before I wrote about it, hoping Mary would return.  As you can see, I am writing, so she has not.

                              I demand an account!!!!!!!!!!!!  Where has Mary gone?????????  Has she ascended to Heaven????????  Did someone steal her?  After living here almost three years, I find that hard to believe. And who could have done such a thing?  If theft is the answer, I demand it be reported to the police, and the local press be informed.  The perpetrator should be nailed to the floor and forced to  watch--ON HIS KNEES--"The Song Of Bernadette," in its entirety!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              As I was pondering this mystery today, a straight couple walked by us.  The woman remarked that maybe the statue was being cleaned and refurbished.  I can only hope that she is right.  The street is not the same without the presence of Our Lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I demand Mary be restored to her pedestal!!!!!!!!!!

                               If not, there will protests, instead of miracles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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