Tuesday, December 30, 2014

50 Years Ago, Today, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I cannot believe today marks half a century I got, and wore, my first pair of eye glasses.  I was in fourth grade, then, with that Norma Brodsky--oh, my God, darlings; she must, by now be an old harridan of 75!!!!!!--and they weren't nearly as stylish as what is out there today.  They were those sort of tortoise shell top, but clear bottom, frames that a lot of boys wore back in the day, making them look like mini nerds, or future adult ones, at NASA during the 1950's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Since then, I have gone through at least six other pairs.  I am currently wearing what I call my "Stephanie March Glasses;" just watch any 'SVU featuring Stephanie as Alex Cabot, and you will see what I mean.  I feel empowered, when I wear them; just like Stephanie!

                              Back in the late 80's, when Patti Lu Pone was doing "Anything Goes" at the Beaumont, she had on a pair or red horned rims in a Times article, so I wore "Patti Lu Pone  Glasses," for awhile!!!!!!!!!

                               It's amazing how well my eyes have held up, so far, with all the reading I do.  Not to mention writing this blog.  Before wearing glasses, I was desperate to do so; I thought they made you look intelligent, and that everyone who wore them was that.

                               Well, I was a fraction right, at least.  But here I am, at another milestone, and it feels great!

                                Now, if I could only have Stephanie's hair, to match my glasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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