Thursday, December 18, 2014

Aaron Lee Skeen Is One Skeethy Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        He is also the winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.   His story is all too familiar, but it bears telling.

                                         Aaron became obsessed with a teller at his local bank, a girl soon to graduate from the University of Tennessee, named Sandy Jeffers.  Sandy lived alone.  Things began in a way she could not have foreseen.  Aaron always requested her for his teller, when he went to the bank, and she was always friendly to him.

                                            But, as these things do, they escalate,  Soon, he would park outside her apartment, watching her comings and goings. He would enter when she was not at home, and take "trophies"--everything from photos to underwear.  Sandy never noticed a thing, until the day she discovered a window latch was broken, and some checks were missing from her checkbook, and her account went into overdraft, because someone wrote out a check in her name.

                                              Sandy knew something was wrong, because she had no idea who could be so fixated on her.  Police questioned her boy friend, James, but she and he convinced them he would never act like this.

                                                 Aaron then followed Sandy to school, which should have been against the rule.  No children laughed and played when he was around.  He would watch Sandy studying, and leave calling card messages in her textbooks, when she was not looking.

                                                   All this culminated with the evening of  May 6, 2003, when Aaron entered the slightly older (25) Sandy's bedroom, tied her up, took her to a park seventeen miles away, raped her, then, because he did not want DNA found on him, pushed her off a 63 foot cliff, and went about cleaning the car and his apartment.

                                                     Disturbingly, according to the autopsy report, Sandy did not die instantly, and was left there at the foot of the cliff for days, until she was found.

                                                       A female neighbor in Sandy's complex, heard commotion from her apartment, then saw a man in a red Dodge Daytona or Shadow drive off. They traced vehicle ownership to Skeen, who coldly admitted to it, as if he was entitled to kill her, because she belonged to him, and was his to do with as he pleased.

                                                        I would love to know this guy's back story.  Was it his upbringing, or a twisted brain chemistry that steered him in this direction??????  He has plenty of time to think about than, now having received a Life Sentence at a prison, in Tennessee.

                                                          Which is where this bitch belongs.  The sad thing is he is so typical--there are so many Aaron Skeens out there, and no one knows at any time who or when they will strike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            Be careful who you deal with, girls!  I am all for customer service, but let's not get carried away!  If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, tell a supervisor or security person.

                                                            Remember, "Service with a smile.....or get the hell out of here!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. Really? Oh, well, different strokes for different folks! But being hot is no reason for involving oneself with someone dangerous! This guy is where he belongs! And if others find him hot, in prison, you know he is someone's bitch!

  2. Oh no doubt! I just watched the Dateline special on what he did and dude belongs where he is


  3. So, that program covered this case, too? That scum is right where he should be!!!!!!!

  4. I dated him about 6 months before this happened. He definitely suffers from mental illness. His upbringing was average and I don't think it had much to do with this. Just thought I'd shed some light from a personal aspect.


  5. Now, that is very interesting. And you are lucky
    you came away from the experience, unscathed.
    Many people with abusive childhoods don't kill,
    but if mental illness is already present, it
    does not help.
    Thanks for the comment!


  6. I second your wishes. Give him a dose of his own medicine!

    1. Hopefully that is exactly what he's getting in prison. I also can't believe this prick is asking for pen friends and money on a contact site.

  7. Still think he's hot though lol,

  8. Ha! After two years she has come back and feels the same. He has some kind of meet prisoners page you can look up and "date" somehow. His profile is pretty funny. Quiet guy, Likes walking on the beach. But nothing about stalker, rapist, murderer. Strange. I went to school with him for quite a while and graduated the same year. Didn't hear his name again after graduation until he was on the news for this. Was a pretty quiet dude. Played basketball a while I believe. Kinda hung out with the middle crowd I guess. But was pretty much just normal.


  9. Not too normal, from the way things turned out!

  10. This is sick. Please let me know after reading the transcript from the trial how sane you all are about his looks after learning the pain she went through during her attack & when she died alone after being pushed down a cliff.
    I found this easily on google.
    After Sandy Jeffers was bound, [Petitioner] raped Sandy Jeffers anally, vaginally and orally. [Petitioner] accomplished these rapes with an article used to le[a]d Sandy Jeffers to believe that [Petitioner] had a weapon. Sandy Jeffers suffered bodily injury as a result of the anal and vaginal rapes. These injuries included anal lacerations and contusions of the uterine cervix. All of the above is based on forensic evidence, autopsy reports, and [Petitioner]’s statement. There is also evidence from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation that concludes semen samples taken from the body of Sandy Jeffers match the DNA profile from [Petitioner].
    After [Petitioner] raped Sandy Jeffers, he then took her, still bound, against her will from her apartment. He also took personal items belonging to Ms. Jeffers at that time. This was determined by witness statements, forensic evidence, and [Petitioner]’s statements. As a result of this kidnapping Sandy Jeffers ultimately suffered serious bodily injury. The proof would also show that [Petitioner] led Sandy Jeffers to believe that he had [a] weapon, a gun. After kidnapping Sandy Jeffers from her apartment the proof would show that he took her, bound and against her will, to a location in Blount county, Tennessee referred to as Look Rock. Once at this location, [Petitioner] threw Sandy Jeffers over the railing and down a cliff. The body of Sandy Jeffers was located on May 9, 2003 approximately 63 feet down this cliff. According to autopsy results Sandy Jeffers died as a result of numerous injuries sustained during the fall. These injuries included but are not limited to several broken ribs, a fractured spine, broken pelvis, severe brain injuries, a punctured lung, kidney damage, and many contusions. Autopsy results would also show that Sandy Jeffers did not die instantly from these injuries. At the time her body was located, her eyes were still covered with several layers of duct tape and her hands were still bound behind her back.


  11. I agree with everything you say.
    Yes, he does need to be put in his place--
    and this may already have happened.
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. Just Saying,

    I do not advocate what this sicko did. It's
    upsetting to think how much Sandy Jeffers suffered,
    or that she even suffered at all.Thanks for sharing!

  13. It's really disturbing what he did to her. But I think he chose the wrong victim. He should have pushed one of those commentators saying "he is hot" off that cliff. Your lack of empathy for a victim makes you just as sick as he is.


  14. Are you talking to me, dear.
    I just reread my post, and your comment.
    I never said Aaron was hot; his looks were
    immaterial to me. And I happen to be one
    of the most empathetic people out there.
    Whether he or Sandy were hiot or not, she
    did not deserve this, ask for it, or anything.
    She was a victim in the truest sense of the word.
    As for Aaron, LWOP is exactly what he deserves, and
    where he will rot. Good riddance.

  15. Excuse me but how TF do you know that no children played or laughed when he was around? That bit was added for drama but has no real basis in fact.

  16. Sun,

    Pretty sure he wasn't being literal or dramatic. It's from the Mary had a little lamb.......followed her to school was the fact. The next bit was just the next line from the popular nursery rhyme. That's all.

  17. I was trying to figure out why he is so contradicting (Aaron). He had the web page of his preference of liking thin women and now his profile says he likes girls with curves. Also why on earth does his page say "I'm not evil......just in the wrong place at the wrong time." is stalking, breaking into her apartment, raping her numerous times, driving her to a cliff and pushing her over........being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Seems to me it was his victim who was in the wrong place at the wrong time (the credit union where he banked at)


  18. It just goes to establishing his being a


  19. Sun,
    While I was not present, what kid would
    laugh or play, with him around. Kids know
    what to fear. He would have creeped them out!


  20. I have a feeling more is being directed
    at him now than spit in food trays!


  21. How low can one go?
    Obviously, this guy can go even lower.
    Thanks for sharing!

  22. My skin still crawls thinking about this guy. He stalked me my first week of grad school, about 5 months before he murdered Sandy. He tried to run me of the road/force me to pull over, over the course of a terrifying 5 mile drive, during which he ran red lights and drove down highway embankments to continue following me while I tried to lose him. About halfway through, I realized he was masterbating abs getting if on the fact that I wad terrified. I'd just moved to my new school and didn't even have a cell phone yet so I drove to a supermarket across town that I knew had a police department in it. He high tailed it out of the lot as soon as he saw all the cop cruisers parked out front. I filed a report and asked for a police escort home. I insisted because something told me this creep was waiting for me to leave to police station. He was. As soon as I pulled out, I saw him. I told the officer following me and he went after him but couldn't catch him. It turned out this asshole had been dogging me through Walmart while I shopped for school and new apartment necessities. I saw him on surveillance footage following me through the store. I saw him follow me out, close enough to grab my elbow. I saw footage of him circling the lot in his vehicle waiting for me to pull out. In the end, the cops did nothing. They said it was a he-said/she-said and was a losing case to try to charge him with anything. I ended up trading vehicles with a friend for a couple of months to try to feel safer and went on with my life. I had no idea what this disgusting piece of shit did just a handful of months later until recently when I was watching a DiscoveryID show about the murder and almost fell out of my seat when I saw his mug shot. I'm further disgusted that law enforcement did nothing in my case. Perhaps things would have been different for Sandy.


  23. Voltapropris,

    I agree. Action should have
    been taken; you had a legitimate
    case of being stalked. You are
    very lucky to be alive, and yes,
    had action been taken with your
    case, maybe Sandy would be alive today!

    Take comfort in your survival, and that
    this scum will never harm anyone again!

    My best to you!

  24. SisterGoldenHair, I couldn't have said it better myself.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I went to school with Sandy Jeffers. We graduated together. She was valedictorian of our class. A very quiet,shy and sweet girl. Very intelligent. She had a kind smile for all she met. One of the sweetest people I've ever known. What this monster did to her is pure evil. He doesn't deserve to live. He has no remorse but on his day of judgement he will.


  27. Everyone,

    Thanks so much for your responses.
    I could not agree more. This guy
    is where he belongs, and cannot harm
    anyone! And he had better watch his

  28. How can anybody be so evil at only 20??


  29. He was probably evil long before he was 20.


  30. Well said, M. Wall. Anyone
    who would find this guy hot,
    not knowing his history, is
    merely tasteless. But
    knowing and thinking that?
    I go beyond questioning the
    person's taste, to questioning
    their sanity!

  31. I watched this movie called The Watcher about a guy that kidnapped raped and burned women alive. The rapist/murderer was played by Keanu Reeves. Who is gorgeous in my opinion. I found myself thinking how unrealistic it felt because why would someone attractive need to rape anyone. (I was very young when I saw this movie btw lol) now years later as I'm watching the case on Your Worst Nightmare on ID, I admit when I saw his mugshot I instantly thought about that movie. He's no Keanu Reeves, but he's not "monstrous" looking. If you knew nothing else about him and he came up and started to chat, or ask you out on a date you might feel flattered and even say yes. I think him being attractive physically, because he's evil and very obviously hideous inside and has a dark souls, is extremely important. ANYONE can be evil no matter what they look like. Just because something or someone is appealing on the outside doesn't mean they aren't rotten all the way down to their core. This observation shouldn't be ignored or turned away because it needs to be out their that monsters come in all shapes sizes and colors. Don't let your guard down just because you see a pretty face.


  32. It is the pretty ones I am often most
    suspicious of, dear. I agree not
    everyone who is evil looks like
    the Wicked Stepsisters!

    I never saw that movie, but did not know
    it was based on an actual case. Thanks for
    the info. Now I would like to see the
    movie and the ID episode.

    Thanks for sharing!

  33. I went to school with this scumbag. Sat right behind him in homeroom. I always thought he was creepy and kinda strange.

  34. I went to school with this scumbag. Sat right behind him in homeroom. I always thought he was creepy and kinda strange.


  35. Your comment was interesting. It
    supports the idea that these types
    show their signs early. Good thing
    you were smart enough to observe them!


  36. Paul,

    I second your request.

    Thanks for commenting!


  37. Mikepark420,
    Agree with you on both counts.
    However if she was being raped,
    when would she have had the chance
    to bite his dick off?

  38. transcripts said he raped her in the mouth


  39. Chickchick,

    And I say the same thing for this sicko!

  40. DreadHead89, I feel exactly the same as you! He needs to be tortured over and over and suffer every single day for what he did!! He's a POS!!


  41. Unknown,

    I could not agree with you more!
    Thanks for sharing!
