Wednesday, December 31, 2014

And So, To 2014.................Farewell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Well, dears, here we are!  This will be my last blog post for 2014!  When next I post on here again, it will be 2015!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it??????????

                              It has been my pleasure to write and share with you all year long!  And my best wishes to all in the coming year.  May it be more or less like this one was for me--a bit of drama,here and there, lots of fun, but no major trauma!

                               And there are some events coming up in 2015--like my father's Centennial Birthday Celebration!  I can't wait to write about that one; it's going to be right out of "August: Osage County!"

                                 So, farewell, my preciouses, and see you next year!  Here is a remembrance to go out on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Until next year, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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