Tuesday, December 30, 2014

As Effie Said, In "Dreamgirls," "What About Me???????????????"

                               Darlings, I am telling you, after all those "73 Questions With...........," I began to wonder--what about me?  Why not "73 Questions With The Raving Queen???????????"  Since I was not successful in getting a personal publicist for a Christmas gift, why not allow myself to be interviewed, like AMY and ANNA??????????  If there is anyone who wants to step forward, and singlehandedly interview me, and then get it on YouTube, then let me know.

                                Or--in the meantime--if there is a question you want to ask on here, online, you can do so, and I will answer it as a blog post.  In any case, I have some pretty interesting answers to give, so watch out!  And I am more informative than that Perez Hilton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  So, film, or ask away!!!!!!!!!!  The Raving Queen is ready, lambs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Wait!  I have had a publicist all this time, without knowing it!

                                    All requests and questions, must be submitted for approval, to my beloved canine companion--Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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