Monday, December 29, 2014

Girls, We Have All Got To Stretch, Like Amy Adams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Let this be one of our goals for 2015, darlings!  I just happened to catch this inspirational, and glamorous, short video documentary on YouTube called "73 Questions Witb Amy Adams."  It was shot in a ballet studio, within the Conde Nast empire, prior to Amy doing a photo shoot, with ANNA, for VOGUE.  You all know who ANNA is, of course.  If any of you don't, let me know, because maybe it is a time for me to write an alphabetical glossary of names and terms that turn up most often on this blog.

                             Amy answers all questions, including several from some little girls, with the graciousness and charm that is so typical of her!

                               But, while she does, she also does some stretches and ballet moves that are just unbelievable.  I am sure her dance training is part of it, but I cannot wonder if having a vagina helps, too, because there are some splits and stretches she does I cannot imagine doing, even if I were fifty pounds lighter and more lithe.

                                Amy says her best way to unwind and decompress is through Yoga.  So, let that be our start, girls.  We are going to do some Yoga--even 10 minutes, for a start, would help, and then some brief power walking to where we built up to the Summer of 2013, when I actually lost 8 pounds!  Only, now I can go for more!

                                But words can only go so far!  So, watch Amy doing her exercises and be inspired!  It's what we all want to be, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   At least I do!  Some of you girls may be at the Amy point already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Happy Stretching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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