Saturday, December 13, 2014

I Love This Year's Korbel Commercial, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Have you seen, and heard it?  It is simply fabulous girls.  The lyrics go something like this--           "I've traveled the world, and see,
                            Nothing could ever beat,
                            Being with you,
                            Together forever!"

                             The song is actually called "Together Forever," and it by Gio Galanti.  But I love the way the girl on the soundtrack sings it so New York-ese, as the camera revolves.  Her "r" sounds have an "uh" quality that gives it that New York tone.

                                Well, as Alfred Hitchcock once said of 'Tippi' Hedren--"Find me that girl!"  I want to know who this is, singing this song on this ad.  Because she could be a big star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Just tune in and watch this ad!  It will stop you in your tracks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The vocalist is British; not sure where you're getting "New York-ese" vibe from, as it is clearly a South London accent with which the song is sung. Nonetheless, I do dig the song like you do.

  2. Unknown,

    I never knew there was such a thing
    as a South London accent. Hope this
    ad airs this year, come holiday time!

  3. southern Italy tourism ad featuring 'Together Forever'.


  4. triakis,

    Thanks for sharing! I love it!
