Sunday, December 7, 2014

I Want To Follow MERYL's Example, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Everyone has been asking me, lately, what I want for Christmas.  I must be one of the world's most fortunate, because, honestly, darlings, I cannot think of a thing.  Especially having received so many fabulous gifts upon my recent 60th birthday!!!!!!!!

                               But then, the other night, I heard a piece of the Legend Of MERYL STREEP!  Now, I do not know for sure if this is true, but, according to what I heard, when MERYL first graduated from YSD ,(which all my girls on here had better know is Yale School Of Drama!!!!!!!!)  she not only got her Equity Card, (which is what a grad of that school automatically receives!!!!) but, smart cookie that she is, she went out and hired her  own publicist..

                                Well, honeys, if it worked for MERYL, why not yours truly?

                                  So, that is what I want for Christmas.  I want someone to go out and hire me a publicist, just for one year.  I suppose he should be young, because being the Raving Queem, I am on the go almost as much as MERYL herself!  I mean, just this month, alone!   Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Let us all be inspired by the DIVINE MERYL, darlings!  What we cannot do for ourselves, let others do it for us!

                                    The idea goes back all the way to Mark Twain, and Tom Sawyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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