Friday, December 12, 2014

I Was Psychologically Traumatized By This Film, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               "Deadly Strangers" is another one of Hayley Mills post Disney films that would be worthless, save for her presence in it!  She gives this script more than it deserves, and in her own quiet way, she brilliantly underplays.

                                                      Hayley plays a young woman named Belle Adams, who is trying to get to Wickham, because she wants to visit where she once lived.  She hitches a ride, with Stephen Slade, after almost being raped by Sterling Hayden as Malcolm Robards, the proverbial sleazy trucker, and as they continue on their journey, the premise is developed that one of these two may be an escaped homicidal maniac from an insane asylum.

                                              But which one?  I really don't think it is fair for me to tell you, loves.  (Hint--Remember I said Hayley brilliantly underplays!!!!!!!!!!!)

                                                I can tell you that both have problems, shown in flashback sequences.  Hayley's parents were killed in a car accident, she raised by an uncle, (Peter Jeffrey) who practically has no bottom teeth, (shades of Auntie Alvin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and who, when Hayley reaches young womanhood, begins sexually abusing her!  Not to mention, in the scenes where he does this, he is wearing what looks like a bathrobe resembling a kimono like a Geisha girl would wear, suggesting he is a transvestite????????????????  No wonder Hayley has problems.

                                                 But so does Stephen.  He has kinky S and M fantasies, and since these two actors are, for the most part, the only in the film, his focus is Hayley.  During one--oh, my God, girls this is shocking, Stephen is seen peering through a keyhole at Haley, who is dressed in black bra and panties, with matching stockings and garters.  She knows he is watching, and walks up to the keyhole, crotch length, calling to him seductively!

                                                However, this is not what traumatized me!  It is when Hayley Mills--yes, darlings HAYLEY MILLS!!!!!!--does.....I can't say it.....she shows her.....TITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Yes, darlings, we see Hayley Mills' tits!  I was psychologically traumatized.  I mean, they are fine, as tits go; what would I know?, but this is practically sacrilege!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   And let me tell you, that night I had this nightmare.  I dreamed that my beloved and I, plus a group of people we all knew, moved into an apartment building, located off the Jersey turnpike, on an off the track road, bordering on the Jersey marshes.  Across the street was another apartment building, into which Meryl Streep and her family were moving in.  We would be living across the street from Meryl Streep!  I was so excited, but nervous; I dared not approach her.  On sunny days, we would see Meryl outside, casually dressed, talking on her cell phone, obviously about more film negotiations.  But I was terrified, in the dream, that, at any time, she would show her tits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    I mean, Meryl Streep???????????  I am still not quite sure I have recovered from Hayley.  Once seen, not forgotten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    But Hayley is a wonderful actress, dolls, and an actress does what an actress must!

                                                    Besides, I can always return to "Summer Magic."  Hayley is in such a whirl, there!  Just like the kind I would like to be in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      My girls and I just love you, Hayley!  Now, and always!  No matter what!

                                                      I think I will eventually recover from my trauma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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