Saturday, December 27, 2014

Joycie, Baby, How Could You Do A Number On Me?????????????

                                       I really wanted to read "The Corn Maiden," which is a brilliant psychological exploration of childhood bullying, with a shocking twist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But I also wanted to read the other six stories in the book; in the end, I read only a total of four.

                                       "The Corn Maiden" is the first and titled story of the collection.  It was followed by "Beersheba," which was fine, though a big comedown from the first story, which turns out to be the best.  But, when I got to "Nobody Knows My Name," something went wrong.  First, I am reading this engaging tale of two sisters, then suddenly, I veer from page 178 to 211, and am in a tale about twisted twin brothers.  No, not like "The Other;" more Hitchcockian, and grounded in reality.  Then, after a certain point, the book goes back to the page 211 sequence, again.  As a result, I missed half of "Nobody Knows My Name,"
all of "Fossil Figures," and half of "Death-Cup."  Thank God "Helping Hands" and "A Hole In The Head," which were fabulous, rounded things out.

                                        So, basically, I read a seven story collection that had only four stories.  Joycie, how could you do this to me????????  Me, The Raving Queen????????  At first, I thought it was one of your Carol Oates literary tricks, but even you could not be so scattered.  You are a Structure Queen, dear.

                                         I want to know what happened to those other stories.  And what happens in them!!!!!!!!!   Joycie, baby, you better send me a free, complete copy of this book!  I demand it!

                                          And future readers of this book, examine it, before purchasing it or checking it out, to see if it is complete!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Come on, Joyce!  Get with the program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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